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Home Insurance

protect your home

A Place with Memories

Your home is more than just a house—it's your sanctuary. A place where life unfolds, filled with memories, dreams, and treasured belongings. It's your greatest investment and at Arrington Insurance we understand just how much it means to you. That’s why we’re committed to making sure it has the protection it deserves.

Unforeseen circumstances like fire outbreaks, thefts or natural disasters can be devastating. But with our comprehensive homeowners insurance coverage, worry becomes a thing of the past. We provide a safety net to make sure your home and belongings are protected. More than just a policy, it’s your assurance in times of uncertainty.


Property & Valuables

Homeowner insurance typically offers coverage for the physical structure of your home, but what about your valuable possessions inside? Items such as furniture, clothing, jewelry, and art are often stored within our homes, and losing them can be both emotionally and financially challenging. Consider speaking with our agents to explore options for protecting your belongings.

Home Liability

Homeowner's Liability coverage provides a layer of protection when should an accident occur on your property or because of it. In the event of unforeseen circumstances, this coverage serves as a safety net to safeguard your assets and financial future. With Liability Insurance on your home policies, you gain added protection against lawsuits.



Water can cause significant damage to your home, even in small amounts. Just one inch of water can have devastating effects on your home's structure, interior, and belongings. Protect your property from issues such as ruined carpets, warped flooring, and compromised electrical systems by getting coverage. Don't risk losing priceless mementos due to water damage.

Some basic information that can help you better plan ahead.

  • What if I have a home with a pool?

    Consider an umbrella liability policy to protect you from accidents and costly law suits.

  • What if I decide to rent our home?

    Our landlord insurance policies can protect you against tenants' damage.

  • What if I live near the coast?

    Consider flood insurance to protect you against the unpredictable weather.

Custom coverage options for your home.

Every home is unique–and so should be its protection. Our independent status allows us to access a broader range of policies from top insurers, creating a customized, competitively priced plan that fits your specific needs. 

Begin your journey of peace of mind with us. Request a free, no-obligation quote today and explore a variety of homeowners insurance coverage options. With Arrington Insurance, you don’t just buy a policy; you invest in protection, stability, and tranquility.

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